VSS, Inc. has created a new program that computes and stores

Average age of paid Accounts Receivable

Average age of unpaid Accounts Receivable

Average age of paid Vouchers

Average age of unpaid Vouchers

Accounts Receivble Turns

Accounts Receivable Turn Ratio

Inventory Turns for each branch and corporate wide


This information is automatically computed during the INVENTORY MONTHEND CLOSING procedure and stored in a new file called AVERAGES.


This information can be displayed on line, printed, or transferred to your PC as an excel spreadsheet.

If you select the X=EXCEL option, then the following prompt is displayed and the data from the AVERAGES file is transferred to your PC.

When this Excel option is used the data is formatted differently so that there is no wrapping of data.  In the example shown below the inventory turns data for each branch is shown on a separate line under the corporate wide information.  In the excel spreadsheet, however, each of those pieces of data has it’s own column.  (click here for example).AVERAGE.XLS